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Finance, accounting, and bookkeeping content – our specialty in a variety of industries!

Reasons You Need an Accountant for Construction Company

An accountant for a construction company is different from one working in an IT firm. The principles used are the same. But accounting for construction has industry-specific challenges and concepts. For example, projects are often one-offs, so the numbers must be right from the start. This is challenging because each project has a mobile [...]


What Jobs Can You Get With an Accounting Degree

If you're considering getting an accounting degree or if you’ve already acquired one, you may be thinking about what career options are available to you. The great news is that an accounting degree opens the door to a range of job opportunities in various industries. Here are some of the jobs you can get [...]


What is a CPA: How to Succeed in This Career

Are you planning on changing careers but don’t know what path to take? You should consider becoming a CPA. Accounting is a good major to consider in university. Or even as another degree. The Bureau of Labor projected an eight percent growth in finance jobs in the next decade. Many of these high-paying professions [...]


What does a Real Estate CONTROLLER do?

If you're looking for a job as, or recruiting for, a real estate controller, you may be wondering what makes this role different from other controllers. Real estate controllers are responsible for overseeing and managing the financial operations of real estate business. Specifically, they provide important financial data to decision makers in real estate [...]

Does Your Business Need an Accountant?

ROLE FEATURE: Accountants If you're like most business owners, you probably think of accountants as the people who help you file your taxes. And while that's certainly one of their many responsibilities, certified public accountants (CPAs) provide much more value to businesses than just preparing tax returns. In fact, CPAs can play a critical [...]

Seattle Growth Trends

The recent energetic construction activity in Seattle is likely to continue, reports the Seattle Times Seattle Construction Boom relying on a report recently released by the Downtown Seattle Association. There are 66 projects underway from SLU to SODO, of various kinds, but mostly apartments. Despite what some have called a "glut" of rental properties [...]

Construction Salary Data – Seattle Metro

As recruiters with a focus in the Seattle Metro Construction Industry, we have been busy! We at NW Recruiting Partners recently put together some simple salary data for one of our clients. Many people in the industry took new roles in 2017-2018. If you were one of them, perhaps this information will help you understand [...]

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