
Career Guide 101: What is It and Who Benefits from It?

Every student will undergo career guide counseling at one point. Young people have a lot of concerns and confusion about their future careers. Most wonder which jobs are ideal for their skills. There’s also the question of how they will go about getting their dream job. It’s not only students who need a career [...]

2023-08-14T01:37:24+00:00Job Search|

What Jobs Can You Get With an Accounting Degree

If you're considering getting an accounting degree or if you’ve already acquired one, you may be thinking about what career options are available to you. The great news is that an accounting degree opens the door to a range of job opportunities in various industries. Here are some of the jobs you can get [...]


How to Do Well in an Interview: Strategies to Get the Job

The interview process is something everyone experiences at some point in their life. Many universities include it in their recruitment process. Every adult will go through this as they embark on their career. Interviews are nerve-wracking. It’s akin to an audition. You’re placed in the spotlight and expected to talk about yourself. You’re meeting [...]

2023-08-14T01:26:22+00:00Job Search|

What is a CPA: How to Succeed in This Career

Are you planning on changing careers but don’t know what path to take? You should consider becoming a CPA. Accounting is a good major to consider in university. Or even as another degree. The Bureau of Labor projected an eight percent growth in finance jobs in the next decade. Many of these high-paying professions [...]


Glassdoor for JOB SEEKERS

What is Glassdoor? is a recruiting and online job marketplace that provides valuable insights into how satisfied employees are with their employers, what kind of benefits they offer, and the competitive salary and job market info. This platform allows jobseekers browse jobs, review feedback from current and former employees, research salaries and [...]

What is ORM and Why Do Companies and Candidates Care?

Being able to control the narrative around your brand helps you maintain credibility among potential customers, but it also attracts prospects who could become great employees. Positive reviews, recommendations, and feedback from existing employees are key components of a successful ORM strategy that can help influence candidate decisions when they are considering your employment [...]

Strategies for Building Diverse Teams

Strategies for Building Diverse Teams  The success of any company is dependent on collaboration — teams must come together to reach productive outputs. Constructing successful teams within the workplace is a process that requires ongoing effort and including a diverse set of skills and experience. By combining individual strengths, companies can quickly achieve their [...]

Use Networking to Attract Candidates – Part 2 of 2

Power up your network to draw job seekers. [PART 1 HERE] | Seek out key contacts and nurture your network. Networking allows job seekers to build relationships with key people in their industry, increasing the chances for referrals and job opportunities. Networking can also be used by recruiters to source qualified candidates through referrals [...]

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